
Monday 3 March 2014

Monday 03.03.2014

So I'm going to start this journey on a walk through my life and I hope to be able to blog about it more often. It's just something I would like to start to update you guys on how my day went or is going to be. In other words, it's like Vlogging but only it's in words. I'm still not that comfortable with video recording of myself. I'm camera shy... =) So let's begin this journey together!
It will mostly be in point form so it'll be a better read? Enjoy!

1. I had a slice of the Coffee Cake I baked over the weekend. No tea this time. I took down a few recipes and wonder why it's called Coffee Cake when most recipes don't call for coffee as one of the ingredients. Well, I found out that it's like an informal cake where you have over a cup of coffee or tea. Don't go asking me why it's not called a Tea Cake. I've no idea why... Perhaps there's a lot more coffee drinkers than there are tea drinkers out there? Well, I'm hardly a coffee drinker. I lean more towards tea... =)

2. If you've read my earlier post, you would know that I'll be bringing home cooked lunches to the office! NO, I'm not on a diet and NO, I'm not counting my calories. I would like healthier meals. You have no idea how oily and unhealthy food are around my office area. I mean, sure! I can take some oil but TOO MUCH oil is like yucks!

My lunch today
Bitter Gourd Soup, Rice & Veggie
Soup still piping hot after 6 hrs!
Very impressed, very happy...

3. I'm working now and this Monday is a slow one... I'm looking forward to knocking off (who isn't?! *roll eyes*). I've decided what to have for dinner before I head down to church for briefing. Lau Wang Claypot Delights at Serangoon area. I've also decided what to order! Sesame Oil Chicken and Spicy Sambal Seafood... Just typing it out is enough to make me salivate! I shall update the photos on Instagram. If you've not followed me already, it's dreamyc_81.

Tea close to 3 p.m.
Couldn't get my favourite - Cherry Blossom so settled for this instead

I'm going to be home close to 10 p.m. today as the briefing ends at 9.15 p.m. It's Bible Study Fellowship. I really hope to be able to join in. It's actually a big group of people who study on The Word of God. They focus on a Book for an entire year. There's breaks of course. Breaks are usually in June and December where it's also the holidays of school children. How convenient. Doesn't apply to me since I've no kids but hey! I've not come across of anyone who rejects holidays! =)
This year, they are going to study on Matthew and I just thought that this year would be a good start for me since I do not have major things planned out for this year. If it goes well and I like it, I'll continue my journey with them come next year and the many years to come!

Well, that's how my day is going to be... I hope you have an exciting and fabulous Monday...

Dreamy C

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